"The action or business of promoting and selling products and services."
Gravitational Marketing® speaks directly to your ideal prospects—high-profit customers that are drawn to your store as if by a natural force!
Core Essential #4: Marketing
Before anybody will buy a car from you there are two basic questions that must be answered. The first question that must be answered is: "Why should I buy from you?"
Sounds simple, right?
But most dealership marketing fails to answer this simple little question. Realize that ALL dealers SAY they have low prices, good selection and great service. All dealers talk about price and payments and cars.
Keep this in mind: SAME IS LAME®. If you look the same and sound the same as the other dealers around you, then your results are probably the same too—lame. Most dealers are selling a lot fewer cars than they could be. So why copy them?
Instead, you should start thinking about what makes you different and start communicating that to your prospects. Today, there are so many ways to make money in the car business without competing on price! Focus your marketing on why you are different and people will gravitate to your store in droves!

Action Steps
Develop a GPS for your store. A GPS is a Gravitational Positioning Statement® that guides your business and dealership culture during the marketing process, and also guides customers to you. This statement naturally attracts more prospects and customers to you—it's the hook in everything you do.
Marketing Check-Up
- Do you feel you have all the traffic you need to hit your sales goals?
- Do you have a consistent method for reliably driving a steady stream of qualified leads to your store every day, week, month and year?
- Do you track and measure the effectiveness of all your ad/lead sources?
Get Ready To Supercharge Your Dealership Today!
Dealers come to us looking for more customers. We apply a radical new paradigm on each of the Four Core Essentials.
Your results will get better over time. That's not necessarily because the marketing gets better or worse. Our marketing never works better or worse—it works every single time. What gets better or worse is your leadership of yourself and others, the development of your culture and the refinement of your processes. So focus on refining the Four Core Essentials in this eBook and customers will naturally gravitate to your store.
Taking control in these four core areas will provide stability, predictability and peace of mind... and that is truly success and ESP®, baby!

Ready to start selling more cars without spending more on advertising?
Click here to sign up for your free demo to learn how we can help you generate more traffic than you ever thought possible. This is a FREE service to help you create a personalized plan to get from where you are now to where you want to be in the shortest amount of time! Just click here to get started.
Let’s get your time back, your traffic right, your team on board and your processes dialed in, so we can put you on a path to ESP®!