These days growing your dealership ain’t easy.
It seems like you and all of your competitor’s are fighting over the same sliver of the population who are currently shopping for a new or used vehicle.
Everyone’s scrambling—trying to beat each other to the punch with each new lead, fighting to stock the “perfect” cars and wrestling each other in a race to the bottom by pricing each vehicle lower and lower until there’s no money to be made.
In fact, what we’ve seen is that most dealers are too busy trying to keep up with all the new stuff they “should be doing” to actually generate any real profit or significant growth.
But if you’re a dealer or general manager who is REALLY interested in selling more cars NEXT MONTH...
And if you are actively marketing your dealership, looking for the next competitive advantage and actually WORKING to grow your business—then we have a little-known solution just for you.
This solution will deliver more traffic, more leads and more sales by giving you a powerful competitive advantage in your market. It will also help you create better customers that happily pay more, return more often and refer their friends and family. And the best part is, you’ll put more profit in your pocket.
Here's The Good News
This strategy isn’t complicated. Actually, it’s much easier than most of the product and price focused “opportunities” that are being pushed as best practices these days by “industry experts”, advertising agencies and manufacturer approved vendor “partners.”
All this takes is one simple tweak to the way you position yourself and your dealership in your marketing and advertising and who you choose to target.
You might be asking yourself, can one LITTLE adjustment to my strategy really double my traffic, leads and sales next month?
Businessman and philanthropist, W. Clement Stone said, “Big doors swing on little hinges.”
So the simple answer is yes. But don’t take our word for it…
Big Growth In A Small Town
Tony owns a dealership in a small town in Kentucky, and he wasn’t sure this strategy would work for him.
In fact, he’ll tell you straight up that he had some doubts. But then he started seeing the results…
Now, he’s doing more business than he ever has—“It works. It’s different. It’s different than what everyone else in my market is doing, but that’s to my advantage. Business has grown tremendously over the last 5 years.”
Doubling Up In Orland, California
Brittany and Shawn tried everything in the book to get more traffic and sell more cars, but nothing really moved the needle.
Then they made this one simple tweak to their marketing and started seeing results immediately. “It was like turning on a faucet.” Brittany explains. “Or maybe a fire hose!” The leads came pouring in for them.
In fact, this strategy has helped them go from selling only 20 cars per month to 75 units and growing.
Quadrupled His Business, And Keeps On Growing
When Jef in rural Missouri started experimenting with this unique advertising strategy, something incredible happened. He had 3 record-breaking years in a row. Fast-forward to today and his dealership has gone from selling 30 to 40 cars a month to regularly selling over 200 vehicles month after month.
Even today, he’s still experiencing HUGE growth: "We just closed the books on the BIGGEST sales $, Gross $, Net $, and new car units sold month on record for us!"
Imagine how that could change your dealership
Imagine how it could change your opportunity, your stress level, your personal financial success, your quality of life. What about your employees’ lives or your family’s?
No more fighting with your competitors over that one tiny sliver of the pie. You could double or even triple your traffic, leads and sales.
You see, when you make this one simple change, it can totally transform your business, faster than you could possibly imagine. We’ve seen it time and time again. It may sound unbelievable… but it’s true.
So What’s The ONE THING?
The Sleeping Buyer strategy allows you to tap into a much LARGER pool of prospects that most other dealerships are completely IGNORING.
You see, most dealers in a given area are programmed to go after a tiny portion of the market. We estimate it to be about 2% of the overall population because if you analyze the overall market, you’ll find that roughly 2% of the population in any geographic area is actively shopping for a car at any given time.
Conventional wisdom dictates that you spend your time, energy and money going after these potential buyers who are actively shopping for what you sell. Makes total sense, right?
But here’s what they’re missing. The BIGGEST opportunity in the car business is learning how to craft your message and focus your marketing to target the other 98% of the market. We call them Sleeping Buyers. And when your marketing speaks to them, you control your market.
Why Spend Money On People Who Are Not In The Market For A Car?
In many industries spending money on people not in the market to buy what you are selling would be a complete and utter waste of money and time. Who would buy a hot water heater or a garage door opener when the one they have is working just fine? Nobody. No offer, discount, deal, benefit, incentive or ad would make them pay attention let alone buy.
But the car business is different… it’s special. The car business is part of a small, elite group of industries where the normal laws of marketing gravity don’t apply. These special industry types work completely differently and the opportunity in these markets is HUGE for the savvy, open-minded and aggressive marketer who is bold enough and smart enough to see and capitalize on the difference.
We call this phenomenon, The Miracle Of The Car Business. The miracle is that Everyone Wants A Nicer, Newer® Car Than The One They Are Driving Now. Regardless of how long they’ve had it.

The Miracle Of The Car Business.
There’s no miracle of the hot water heater business. No one wants a nicer or newer hot water heater if their current one isn’t broken. But there is a miracle of the car industry.
In the car business just because these people aren’t actively shopping, they are lying around on their couches dreaming of driving a nicer, newer vehicle. They want one. They’d love to have one. They’d surely take one over what they have now. This is because cars are so different from hot water heaters and garage door openers.
You see, people care about the car they drive. Cars are a part of our identities. Our neighbors see us driving our cars. Our co-workers see us pull up in our cars. And our friends and family ride in our car. The car is a status symbol. It represents who we are and how we feel about ourselves and it’s fully integrated into the fabric of our lives. Cars give us opportunity, freedom and hope.
So just because they haven’t decided that this is the time to get a nicer, newer vehicle and put themselves into the buyers circle of their own volition, they can be interested, motivated and persuaded by a smart, savvy and helpful car dealer who is willing to take the time to understand what’s keeping them from getting the car they are dreaming about driving and showing them how to get a better car today rather than tomorrow.
Motivating The Sleeping Buyer
Using this strategy, you can transform a Sleeping Buyer into an eager buyer who is excited to do business with you, as long as you are willing and able to help them get what they want.
Remember what the great Zig Ziglar said:
“You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.”
So when you use this strategy you open up your opportunity from just a small fraction of the populace to nearly the whole population making your advertising and marketing so much more effectively simple by expanding its potential audience. But now couple that with the fact that your message is crafted to speak directly to this group, in their language, about their desires and their problems—the problems that are keeping them from being able to get a better car today—you have a customer that is seeking you and only you out because you are talking to them about what’s important to them not about cars and prices.
So let’s summarize the benefits of the Sleeping Buyer:
There’s A lot more of them
Every ad dollar you spend has more value, impact and reach
Customers will be Happier and willing to refer
Less competition
Less price sensitivity
They seek you out vs you chasing them
Easier to sell and deal with
Now, imagine how good it would feel if all the people in the market—the 2% you’re already marketing to and the 98% who are dreaming of driving a better car— were your potential customers. Your showroom would be flooded with additional traffic and you would start selling more cars for more profit NOW.
But how do you get the Sleeping Buyer’s attention?
A Strategy Unlike Any Other…
After more than 20 years of experience working with dealers in every major market, we’ve developed a unique strategy that allows you to tap into the Sleeping Buyers (the 98% who aren’t shopping but are dreaming of a better car) and naturally attract them into your dealership today.
Attracting Sleeping Buyers doesn’t have to be hard, but it can be if you don’t know what you’re doing. That’s why we’ve created a FREE Sleeping Buyer Strategy Demo.
During this FREE demo, we’re going to show you exactly who these Sleeping Buyers are and how you can start attracting them to your dealership today. Plus, you’ll see just how BIG this opportunity is for you in your market.
Now, before you dismiss us as complete nut cases...
Here’s what the dealers we work with have to say about the Sleeping Buyer Strategy:
"Our traffic doubled in the showroom, we’re selling more cars and our grosses have gone from $2,600 to more than $3,500."
—Rob, Tallahassee, FL
“Marketing and positioning yourself in this way will help you dominate your market.”
—Scott, Tucson, AZ
Your numbers may vary, higher or lower, so why not find out exactly what your untapped opportunity looks like and what kind of rapid results you can expect based on your market, current dealership size, and growth goals?
We’d like to invite you to put this strategy to the test.
First, We Need You To Be BRUTALLY HONEST With Yourself…
You might not be ready for the significant opportunity that comes with attracting the Sleeping Buyers. When you get this strategy dialed in, you can get an immediate and overwhelming increase in leads. That makes some people uncomfortable. And that’s ok. We understand, and we’ve seen it. But if you and your team are willing to undergo some discomfort and deal with some stress as you fight to capitalize on all the new opportunities and struggle to learn how to handle this new type of customer, then you’ll be in the driver’s seat for the ride of your life to the land of the Rich Dealer.
So if you’re serious about faster growth, let us show you the secret to unlocking the Sleeping Buyer Strategy today.